Catalog Search Results
1) WHO
As Australia’s Number 1 celebrity weekly magazine, we deliver a compelling mix of credible celebrity news, interviews, portraiture and intriguing human interest stories, told from the perspective of the people directly involved. Thanks to trusted relationships with some of the world’s biggest names, we report the facts and never make it up!
Renowned for its superb photo-features, and its ability to secure exclusive access to the social elite, HELLO! has been capturing key moments in celebrities lives ever since it was launched more than 20 years. Each issue is rich mix of articles and interviews from around the world balanced by a series of regular practical features designed to appeal to every type of reader.
4) TvNotas
Revista distinguida por las mejores y más importantes exclusivas del medio, utilizando información objetiva y confiable del mundo del espectaculo.
5) New Idea
New Idea has been Australia's most loved weekly magazine for women for more than 110 years, reaching over 2 million readers each week. Every issue of New Idea is full of fascinating features, the latest celebrity news, practical and delicious recipes and interesting real-life stories, as well as up-to-the-minute fashion, health and beauty advice.
Now you can have this iconic Aussie magazine delivered straight to your mobile device in digital
...6) Us Weekly
Us Weekly is the magazine that keeps the closest watch on the ever changing and ever exciting entertainment industry, unlike any other magazine. It takes you backstage at awards shows and sneaks you into celebrity parties. Us Weekly magazine peers into the minds (and dressing rooms) of the biggest stars, and escorts you around the world to see exactly where and with whom the hottest names in entertainment have been hanging out. Us Weekly gives
...The all-new Hollywood Reporter offers unprecedented access to the people, studios, networks and agencies that create the magic in Hollywood. Published weekly, the oversized format includes exceptional photography and rich features.
10) Closer
Combining the best celebrity news and gossip with compelling real-life stories, Closer gets close to the heart of the story and brings you the truth behind the headlines. Also includes: TV listings, puzzles, beauty and body advice, destiny and more! Perfect for a coffee-break read, or to download and enjoy on the move...
No magazine is more in touch with Kiwi women than Woman’s Day, New Zealand’s most popular weekly magazine. For the one-in-three women who read Woman’s Day each week, it’s a treat – a chance to escape daily life for a titillating fix of the best showbiz stories, hot celebrity photos, inspirational real-life reads, a TV guide and a lifestyle section packed with tips, tricks, puzzles and great columns.
12) Grazia
Grazia combines 'A-list' celebrity exclusives with thought-provoking, real-life features and agenda-setting fashion. Each week we bring you: - 'A-lister' celebrity news and gossip - The very latest in fashion news and trends - What's hot NOW - Amazing real-life stories - Reports from all the key fashion shows around the world. Love fashion and celebrities? Then you'll love Grazia!
13) Globe
Get Globe digital magazine subscription today and stay up to date on celebrity gossip and news about your favorite stars.
14) Star Magazine
Star is all about entertainment, from the best and latest breaking celebrity news to the movies and music that everyone is talking about. Discover all this with your Star Magazine digital subscription today.
15) Paris Match
Depuis plus de 60 ans, Match raconte le monde tel qu’il est. Entre les joies et les peines, les larmes et les sourires, l’Histoire s’écrit à travers les destins du quotidien, sur la scène internationale, et trouve chaque semaine un écho émouvant dans le magazine.
16) Closer Weekly
Closer Weekly reports the latest news about a generation of celebrities who deserve to be called "stars"- from Dolly Parton and Doris Day to Michael Douglas and Paul McCartney. Along with health tips, decorating advice and delicious recipies, each issue is packed with features that you won't get in any other magazine.
17) Gala
GALA, das Premium People- und Lifestyle-Magazin, berichtet wöchentlich über Stars aus aller Welt. Mit exklusiven Bildern, einfühlsamen Storys, ehrlichen Interviews und brillanten Fotostrecken schafft GALA eine intime, aber immer respektvolle Nähe zu den Stars und setzt Woche für Woche Maßstäbe im stilbildenden, glamourösen People-Journalismus.
GALA bringt modernen Frauen die Menschen hinter den Prominenten
...18) Best
Best delivers a varied and lively mix of ideas and inspiration to inform and entertain real women and help them get more out of every aspect of their busy lives. Best is topical, practical, offering more variety than any other weekly by embracing traditional topics in a modern way.
19) Closer France
Le premier magazine féminin people qui vous propose 4 magazines en 1 ! Chaque vendredi retrouvez : *Toute l'actu people *Des histoires vécues *Des conseils mode & beauté *Le programme TV"
New Zealand Woman’s Weekly is the country’s most read woman’s magazine. A true publishing icon, the Weekly shares stories of real New Zealand women as well as in-depth royal news and celebrity features from abroad. The magazine also inspires with relevant and aspirational content covering all things food, style, home and entertaining.
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